The wonderful Washington Square Park, with the famous arch we've all seen in the movies. This was a great park on a great day. Lots of musicians out playing for people, including a guy that was playing not one, but TWO TRUMPETS at the same time! Incredible. Up the walk from him was a three piece band that was filming a music video. I can't convey to you, dear reader, the depth of the cheesyness of these guys. The singer looked like a low rent Ricky Martin, the drummer had on a black mesh semi-see-thru sleeveless shirt, and they guitar player kept doing the "strum the guitar then shoot your hand up in the air like the rock GAWD you are" kinda thing. Directly opposite them was a young guy just whailing on a sax. I mean this kid filled the musical void created be the douchebags filming the video. No one was paying him any attention. Lots of people were watching the video shoot. Goes to show ya, there's rubes everywhere. Even Manhattan.

The Statue of Liberty. That was quite a thrill to see, even from far away. We walked down to it after going thru Ground Zero. Even though it's sort of just a construction site now, it's anything but. I didn't like it, and didn't (want to) shoot any pictures. Anything I could shoot is already in magazines by now anyway.

Times square. Crossroads of the world. I was asked if I wanted to buy a Rolex. Though I'm not sure how the guy would have spelled it. I'm guessing at least two "x's"

This, friends, is a cell tower. Not-so cleverly disguised as a tree. As you can see, it sticks out just a bit, I would say probably more than a regular cell tower.