In honor of the Rocky Mountains, I listened to John Fucking Denver while driving through here. Now I know what all you hard core J. D. fans (Go fighting Denverites!) are saying- "the song takes place in Colorado, not Montana, it's right there in the chorus." To you I say, shut up. I listened to JOHN DENVER! Almost on purpose, possibly doing damage to my poor poor stereo speakers in the process. It was a one time divertion, never to happen again, I swear.

That being said, whatever any one of you is doing right now, you must stop it, get in a car and drive to Montana! I have never seen a place like it with my own eyes. It took me 13 hours to drive home yesterday and I want to turn around and drive back. For anyone that may not know, I went on a little road trip. Just myself and my brother for 1700 glorious miles. Through Washington, Idaho, where we stopped on the way back and had Sonic (mmmm.....Sonic), which they do not have here in my town, which seems completely unfair. Post Falls Idaho indeed. Then we set our sights for big sky country and never looked back. Glacier National Park, in NW Montana is every bit as nice as it looks on the Travel Channel, except bigger, much much bigger. Everything seems to be 30 miles from anything else. It's like L.A., but with more bears. On to the pictures: up top we have Swiftcurrent Lake with Many Glacier Hotel in the foreground, center is the same lake, shot at night from a different angle. On the bottom is Iceberg Lake. Iceberg Lake is a place that if I spent enough time in, I might just become a religious man. A 5 mile hike into the mountains, starting at 4900 feet and ending at 6100, this lake never completely thaws, just breaks up into icebergs. The cliffs in the background are roughly 1500 feet high and go almost straight up. I have never seen anything so breathtakingly beautiful. It took five hours of walking on my poor little bad knee, and I wanted to die by the time I got back to the car, but I would do it again. Hell, I will do it again. Cheers.