Matt's Crap

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Yarrrrr, Mateys!

At Pirate Fest today I saw -

Pirates that meant it,

Hot pirate chicks,

Porta pirates,
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Popcorn pirates,
Group pirates (with rockabilly dork)
And belly dancers for the pirate's pleasure.
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Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Forgive the picture quality here as they were taken while barreling down the road beside this guy. This is what happens when we grossly overload our truck for years and years. You people stick with me and keep reading this blog and before you know it, you will all be honorary truck drivers.

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Sunday, September 16, 2007


Well a good time was had last night. After a quick whirlwind twelve year engagement, young John and Emily took the plunge. It was beautiful. Drinks were drank, dances were danced, it was a great time. Congrats to them!

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We clean up real purdy.

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Saturday, September 15, 2007


See no dorkiness, hear no dorkiness, speak no dorkiness.
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Thursday, September 13, 2007


I don't really know how this was done, or if you can even see it in the picture, but check out this fence. Sorry for the quality of the shot, it was done with my point and shoot at 60 miles an hour in traffic in downtown Seattle. If you look closely at the fence in the center of the shot, you will see faces, one of which looks suspiciously like Granny from The Beverly Hillbillies. Hmmm.
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Thursday, September 06, 2007

First, again, let me apologize.

I'm truly sorry that I tend to neglect this site for the longest stretches. I am a busy guy and I tend to let pictures stack up and then just throw them all on at once (as I have today). I will try to get better. For now, I give you the obligatory sunflower shot, taken from my neighbors' front yard as well as the new ones below. Enjoy.
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Pure joy.

Nothing beats the feeling of a chicken hat.
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Gonna miss the water park.

Pretty soon, the rain's gonna come and I'll be cooped up inside with these little people for months and months. Ho hum, I guess it's important to enjoy it while we can, right?

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People in the country need more to do.

So I'm driving along U.S. 97, out of Madras, on my way home from the high desert 20 miles from anywhere when I happen upon this little beauty. If you are unable to tell from the picture, these are shoes. Lots and lots of shoes. I'm curious what compels people to start a trend of driving from 10 miles to the left of Bumfuck to the heart of, to do this? Not all of these shoes are old and worn out, some look brand new. I must confess, I almost shucked mine and put them in the tree. I do like my PF Flyers, though.
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This is my city....

There are many like it but this one is mine. I love this town, man. I found this spot through my local photography group, (thanks for the suggestion). From here, right above the Vista Ridge Tunnel, you can see across the river all the way to outer south east, pretty much to Gresham. I stood there and just took it all in, it was beautiful. I need to get up there in the mornings, for some sunrise pics. We'll see.
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And this guy looks at it all from his deck.

What an asshole.
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Call me Ishmael....

And this motherfucker right here is my big white whale. I have driven to this stupid lake at least five or six times, 100 miles+ round trip each and every time, burning $25.00 worth of gas just to bring you people a picture that is worthy of your praise. I give the hell up. For now. This place really shines in the winter - seriously, look it up, Trillium Lake - but you can't get to it unless you feel like taking a four mile hike in the snow. I am fat. I'm flirting with the idea of renting a snowmobile and going up there this winter, but who knows? Keep checking, you just never know. They should start getting snow up there any day now, so maybe I'll get a wild hair up my ass and decide I neeeeed that picture, I mean really need it, and I'll go. Stupid hobby, why didn't I take up whittling, or harmonica?
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