And this motherfucker right here is my big white whale. I have driven to this stupid lake at least five or six times, 100 miles+ round trip each and every time, burning $25.00 worth of gas just to bring you people a picture that is worthy of your praise. I give the hell up. For now. This place really shines in the winter - seriously, look it up, Trillium Lake - but you can't get to it unless you feel like taking a four mile hike in the snow. I am fat. I'm flirting with the idea of renting a snowmobile and going up there this winter, but who knows? Keep checking, you just never know. They should start getting snow up there any day now, so maybe I'll get a wild hair up my ass and decide I neeeeed that picture, I mean
really need it, and I'll go. Stupid hobby, why didn't I take up whittling, or harmonica?