Matt's Crap

Sunday, October 28, 2007

It was, despite a load of crap......

......a pretty productive weekend for photography. Headed up the back side of Mt. Hood and shot my favorite lake that some of you have read about before on this site. We also found a new viewpoint for Hood. When we got to the location this was shot from, I was just getting out of the car to check out the view and an American eagle flew right in front of the mountain. Despite my excellent eagle calling abilities, he would not come back.

You know that saying "Shoot the moon"?

Well this is what happens when I have too much time on my hands. Driving home tonight, I kept looking up at the big October moon and decided to get out my "El Cheapo" brand telephoto and take me a picture. I don't know about about you, but I think this is pretty cool.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

*sigh* This has got to sotp!

Why do they always seem to let the idiots make the signs? And how is it no one has noticed this? And why, after sotpping in and eating breakfast there, did I not go back in and tell them about the sign snafu? Because I'm an asshole.
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Saturday, October 06, 2007


Yeah, I got nothing.
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