Matt's Crap

Saturday, December 29, 2007

I used to be semi-cool

I used to go out on Fridays and drop acid, go to shows that had loud and awful music, and drive too fast in the dark with my headlights off. Those were the salad days, and I look back on them fondly. Last night, a Friday, I sat for an hour and a half and built this little beauty here with the boy. We had good fun. The dude's name is Chuck. I have named him. He just does this job because the benefits are great and the hours ain't bad. His wife thinks he should go back to school and get his degree that he never finished, but he's not sure. He kind of likes the place he's in and could see doing this until the end. Plus, chicks dig cranes.

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Friday, December 28, 2007

A few from way back.

So I may have posted these a long time ago, and if I did, I apologize. I'm just bored.

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*Sigh* I miss the sky.....

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This is my friend Bliss.

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So it's been a while since I posted last, and I figured my many readers are dying for new blood. This was shot a few months ago but I just never got around to posting it. Freakin' gray skies! I need the weather to do something besides just be ugly and I'll get more on here for you people to look at. Until then, I'll just go into the archives and see what's what.
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Saturday, December 15, 2007

Fun with shutter speeds and Xmas lights

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Sunrise on Klamath Lake

Ok, so my job blows and I hate it most of the time, but this is the view from my office. I guess it ain't all bad.
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