Matt's Crap

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The "Bates-erific" hotel

The Oregon Hotel, Main street, Mitchell Oregon population 170. This hotel is haunted with the ghost of five year old Patty, who was smothered by her mother in 1950. Don't tell Amy.
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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Word. Matt. There are total "energy orbs" on this photo! Irrefutable proof of a ghost! *shushes you as you say something about dirt on the lens* Yes, I know! It is chilling, isn't it!

5:31 AM  
Blogger matt said...

Um, that is snow. Oooooh, scary! Ghost snow.

4:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gh-gh-ghost snow? Ghost snow?! GHOST SNOW!

*runs wildly through the room, screaming like a Pentacostal filled with the fiery love of the Lord and then busts through a wall, leaving a clean, precise Amy-shaped opening in her stead*

5:54 AM  

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