Matt's Crap

Monday, September 08, 2008

We here at Matts-crap regret......

our failure to provide you, the reader with quality crap to look at. I will be offering refunds on your admission fees if you have your original receipt. I have posted several new things for ya'll to look at and will try to be better at posting. You see, I've been doing less shooting pictures and more learning how to run my own business and build shit. Pardon me for trying to put food on my family. Don't judge me.
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B.C. (The Canadian kind)

Amy and I decided to go to B.C. and check out the sights. While there, I saw some cool shit, some tall shit, some cold shit, hot shit and various other kinds of shit. It was cool.

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A few of the summer

I hope I don't get hauled in for the shirtless Bubba. I just love her smile, and look at that gut. Epic.
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Crater Lake

I've lived in this state my whole life (except for a few months right at the beginning), and I've seen pictures of this place my whole life. My whole adult life I've talked about going to this place and never have. If you've never been, go. Go right Goddamned now. You shouldn't even be reading this, you should be heading south (or north, or hatever). This place is....awesome. As in full of awe. Seriously....go.
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And some more.....

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Camping with a boat!

So we loaded up the whole fam-damily and went three friggin' hours into southern Oregon to float around on a lake and cook shit over a fire. The kids dug the boat, I dug the few minutes of quiet I got over that weekend.

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A big ass waterfall

So you walk about 45 feet from th parking lot and come to a cliff that is about 300 feet high overlooking Salt Creek Falls. Forgive the second picture, it's a stitch of about seven pictures to get it all in. These falls are 286 feet high and make a whole lot of noise.
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Bubba and bug

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