So once again we got in the car and headed out to the great wide east (
ern Oregon, that is). I found a heavily
photoshopped picture of the church you can see here and decided I needed to see it in person. All I could find out about it was it is in Sherman county which is highway 97 south of
Biggs. So Amy and myself, being the brave sojourners we are we sought about finding it. We wandered about in sunny Sherman county for an hour or so before asking a group of what seemed to be religious "freaks" that were raking the lawn of a church. The nice old woman sent me on what we thought was a wild goose chase that put us right back into town. Intent on giving the old bag the collective finger, we instead decided to stop at the corner store in Moro (pop. 337) where we saw a po-leeees car. Inside I showed a picture of the church on my fancy futuristic phone to the copper, and serprise serprise serprise! he knew exactly where it was. Long story short (too late) we found it, having sat still and untouched for 94 years. No grafitti, no vandalism, just sitting.

After the cop told us how to find the church, he told me of a road you will find if you take a left right before a right(?), a road you will not find on Google maps (I tried) a road that is about 15 miles long, all gravel and follows the Deschutes River gorge overlooking the sunset if you happen to be there at the right time of day. If you were to just turn around and look a bit to the north, you will see the next picture down, overlooking Mt. Adams and the Columbia River gorge. We were on this road, sitting on the side taking pictures for maybe upwards of half an hour and no one, not ONE person or other bit of human life came by.

As I was setting up for this shot a little group of what I say were deer, Amy is sure it was kangaroos because of the hopping, went bounding by but they just wouldn't wait for me to get the camera out. Damn you nature! Damn you to hell!
I don't know what to say about this one, just a little abandoned house that caused me to screech off of Hwy 97 and grab the tripod.
What a lucky girl I am to have found a companion like you, Matthew Kindall. We've had some fun, haven't we?
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