First, let me say that Jackson Wyoming sucks.
This simple fact is unfortunate, as Jackson is the town
that borders Grand Teton N.P. Jackson is a town full of
Range Rovers, "cowboys" that are all hat and no cattle,
and restaurants that are waaaaay too expensive given they
in the middle of nowhere. Where are the greasy spoon diners
and cool little stores to shop?
However, if like us, you were mildly sickened by the town,
you can leave and find these beautiful mountains.
We woke up Tuesday morning - an hour later than
we wanted to thanks to no alarm clock in the world's
worst hotel room, and a dead cell phone battery - and
headed out of town in search of a sunrise picture. We stumbled
on this little half frozen creek (it was 21 degrees), and shot the
hell out of the mountains. I can't tell you the shear beauty and scale
of these things, they are truly stunning.