Matt's Crap

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Puh-eeewwwp! Of the dog variety, if you were wondering. That is what I stepped in the other day right before walking into my house. Now I know this is different than my other entries, but I just had to scream silently at the universe. And besides, if I can't tell ya'll, who can I tell? So now back to my amazing tale of woe (poo?), so, um, stepped in it, and din't notice it till I got to my front door and smushed it into my doormat. THEN, and only then did I realize I had, shall we say taken on a passenger? So I should now explain that I was coming home from the great white north and had my lunchbox (which is sizable), my bag of clothes, my bag of garbage from the trip, and my big jug o' water, which I then splilled all over when I tried to set everything down to attend to the poo. Attached the hose to the spigot, hosed down my shoe and the mat, and got ready to enter the house. It was at this point that I saw the two Jehovah's witnesses at the house next door ( at least I'm guessing, they were young and had ties on), they had watched the last of my mighty fight with the shite (huh? huh? anyone? tip your waitresses, I'll be here all night) and decided that maybe my house shouldn't be on the list for the day as I must have looked fairly annoyed at the time. So, I suppose the story has a happy ending. Man, do I feel better.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love reading your stories..this one in particular i think we all can relate.keep them coming... hope to see new pictures soon...

1:49 PM  

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