I find it amazing sometimes what a little difference in opening of the camera lens makes. The top photo is more representative of the actual sky whereas the bottom picture has the correct exposure on the grass. Though truth be told, I kind of prefer the grass black and abstract. This picture, like many, is also interesting in that what is in front of the lens is vastly different from what is behind it. I was standing in the shit-smelling dirt on the side of an unremarkable farm road with a house (an ugly house, at that) just to the right of the frame. Kind of makes me think of some of my favorite pictures from famous photographers, what kinds of distractions were just out of frame? That is the wonderful part of photography to me, picking out the little bits of beauty among the mundane, and seeing the world for what it can be, if you know how to look. Wow. That's kinda pompous, sorry.
No apology needed,my friend. Most people don't even know how to take a picture of a lone object, let alone using semetry or balance. I mean, how many heads are missing in family reunion pictures? You have a great eye for pics of intrest. So, keep it up, Big Guy.
I agree. No apology needed. You rock!
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