Matt's Crap

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Road trip time! 2.0

To the wreck of the Peter Iredale we go!
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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Springfield roadtrip....

This is a shot of me and the kids coming out of the Kwik-e-mart. After that we toured the nuclear power plant and the town square to see the statue of Jebadiah Springfield. Homer borrowed twenty bucks from me. Any of you see him, be sure to remind him. Thanks.

P.S. - Thanks to Amy for taking the picture.
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Friday, April 04, 2008

And now for your daily Bubba....

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"If you can't find spirituality in this, you zzzzzzzzzzz"
I don't know about ya'll, but this is either evidence of the baby Jebus, or aliens a'comin' ta kill us all!! Run gawddammit, run!

[Editor's note: I've been asked by pretty much everyone I've shown this photo to how I did that with my camera. Um, I didn't do it. I looked up into the sky and that is exactly what I saw. No wizardry involved.]
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Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Road trip!

We (ok, I) decided to go to the Painted Hills out in eastern Oregon this past weekend. I just had to get away from the rain and snow. It was a lovely trip simply bursting with photographic possibilities. If you've never been out there, you should go. And then leave, because there is nothing to do there. Once you have seen the cool hills, you may think, as I did, that the fossil beds sound kinda cool. I like dinosaurs. However, they are leaf fossils. Leaves! Save your gas money, as I did.

And it continues....

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The "Bates-erific" hotel

The Oregon Hotel, Main street, Mitchell Oregon population 170. This hotel is haunted with the ghost of five year old Patty, who was smothered by her mother in 1950. Don't tell Amy.
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