Wikipedia says: "The Battle of Bennington was a battle of the
American Revolutionary War, taking place on
August 16,
1777, in
Walloomsac, New York, about 10 miles away from its namesake
Bennington, Vermont.
[1] An American force of 2,000
New Hampshire and
Massachusetts militiamen, led by
General John Stark with aid from
Colonel Seth Warner, along with elements of
Green Mountain Boys, defeated a combined force of 1,250 dismounted
Brunswick dragoons,
Loyalists, and
Native Americans led by
Lieutenant Colonel Friedrich Baum that
British General
John Burgoyne was attempting to push through the northern
Hudson River Valley."

I don't know, it just seems silly to build a 300 foot tall.....thing to celibrate a battlein which you won when the odds were nearly 2 -1. View is nice from up here though.
For $2.00, Benny Bourgeois will take you up to the top of this bad boy and you will see three (count 'em, three) states. It lies in Vermont at the southwest corner, so one direction is New York, one is Massachusetts, and the other two are (wait for it) Vermont. Benny Bourgeois, just in case you missed that name the first time.
Bennington was named after Ron Bennington. Little known fact.
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