Matt's Crap

Thursday, November 09, 2006


(sorry Yamahahaha) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YYUUCCKKYY!!! whatta brat! you obviously think i am still a fan. not true. i am not a true republican, i vote the issues and don't care which party the candidate represents. so i made one little mistake in 56 years, do you have to rub it in?
thanks for keeping me in your thoughts though. even if it wasn't a very nice thought.

3:27 AM  
Blogger Michelle said...


10:46 AM  
Blogger matt said...

Here's the thing Yamahhmnahamnahhaha, your one mistake continues to evolve into a larger, global, terrifying mistake. In January of '09 you are off the hook, til then you are fair game. If it's any help, I give your daughter crap about it as well.

2:43 PM  

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