Matt's Crap

Thursday, November 30, 2006

In our continuing series of odd highway signs....

Ok, you own a small business, you scrimp and save for years, finally business is going well, you decide to advertise on the sign out on the highway. These signs are not cheap, mind you, so you want to tell the story that best sums up your business in just four square feet. What, pray tell, should we say about our little place? Well, I think we should broadcast the fact that you will never have to wait to crap. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Welcome to America!

If you look real close you can see the road I was greeted with as soon as I arrived back into the country. Today was a good day. Posted by Picasa

Mmm Hmm

Snow snow snow, blah blah blah. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Oldie but a goodie

Looking through some shots of the kids from this past summer. Man! The boy has grown like a weed! Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 10, 2006

Tee Hee

Now I'm just doing it to be mean. I do apologize. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 09, 2006


(sorry Yamahahaha) Posted by Picasa

A little rain came our way....

So the shot on top is the last fence on the property of a prison of some sort, at least six feet tall, the other two shots are a before and after of the same barn taken one day apart after the water subsided. Gotta love mother nature! Posted by Picasa

"Enjoy yer sumbichin' meal!" (look closely) Posted by Picasa

Friday, November 03, 2006


Here we have the three little dorks of Hallows Eve. It was super cold and windy so we weren't out very long, but we still had fun. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays because you get to see inside your neighbors' houses up close and personal. Makes me feel normal and clean. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Since you were all so kind

The latest picture of my (sorry Jeremy) GI-FREAKIN-NORMOUS neice Lila. I'm sure some day soon she will become a normal sized human. I had three butterballs so I would know. Posted by Picasa

What's wrong with a little (ego) stroking?

Ok. To address your comments...... 1. I wasn't really angry, more soul-crushingly hurt that no one cared. 2. The stick things are just that, stick things, they stick up into the air, they are about 15 feet tall and wave in the wind, enclosed you will find another shot taken from further back. 3. You people who will not show yourselves and tell me who you are are gutless cowards and should be raked over the coals! And I don't think this is an appropriate venue to bring up the fact that I have posted sans I.D. on friends' blogs, so zip it! 4. Thank all of you that took time from your no doubt fantastically busy lives to post on my little lame ass blog. Positively warms the cockles of my blackened heart it does.